Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Close of The Season

Alas this morning "The Stand" closed for the season until they hang out their "open" shingle sometime early June. The children and I always find this a hard and sad day. So this morning we went and picked up our 100 lbs of potatoes (50 lbs Yukon Gold, 50 lbs Red Skinned) and a bushel of butternut squash...and that was it! I couldn't believe it! We usually spend a good $70 at the Stand on the last day, but nope only $30 this year as the harvests have been so dreadfully poor in our area.

But dear Jane (the Stand lady) threw in a box full of gourds for the upcoming Marriage Supper, and then directed us to a local farm for pumpkins (orange & white), Broom corn & Indian corn for more decor, and we shall eat the pumpkins latter on as both a side dish and pie! Yum!

So already winter is banging at the door, killer Frost arrived Saturday morning ;-( and they have snow in Barrie already!

But today is beautiful so off I run, time for a walk with the girls, corn cutting and flower pick up for Friday's dinner and hopefully a family bike ride after school.

God Bless

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